Tuesday 4 January 2011

New year...

As a start to the new year I thought I best make some new year resolutions. I always make them and never seem to stick to them...but isn't that the story for everyone.
This year I aim to :-
  • Lose some of this god damn weight. Its so depressing that I seem to be able to keep a diet for about 2 seconds and then completely give up and pick up the chocolate tin! I aim to lose as much as I can and maybe putting it in writing might make me stick to it a little bit more.
  • Tidy Tidy Tidy - I'm not the tidiest of people sometimes but because I have a new house I'm gonna make sure I stick to keeping up with the tidying..As sad as it sounds..I love seeing the house straight after I've finished tidying it.
  • Show Murphy how much I love him...EVERY single day. Sometimes I think I don't show him quite how much I love him. He's probably gonna get major sick of all the attention but oh well. Pahaha.
  • Keep this god damn blog updated. I'm gonna see if I can keep some sanity by talking to the computer and telling it my thoughts and problems.
This year is starting of soooo well its unreal. I have a new house with my boyfriend that I absolutely love! Its so beautiful I just wanna keep showing it off to people. Its probably going to a little hard getting used to the bills and all that but I don't care.
One of my closest friends is having another baby and I am completely made up for her. Bobbie (Her first) is adorable and my little Non-god God daughter. Their family is going to be that little but crazier with this new arrival but thats why we all love them. Although all this talk of babies is making me very broody. Can't wait till its my turn. =)